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Media items
10. The Evolving Body: With Professor Randolph Nesse
Evolutionary physician Professor Randolph Nesse explores the idea of 'Darwin's eye', and discusses what evolution means for our bodies, our emotions and our behaviour - as well as...
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Mon 13 Jul 2009
11. Darwin, Design and Christianity: With Professor John Brooke
John Brooke, former Andreas Idreos Professor of Science and Religion at Oxford University, gives his take on the exhibition 'Endless Forms', and discusses the implications of...
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Mon 13 Jul 2009
6. A Tour of 'Endless Forms': With Sir Paul Nurse
Nobel Prize-winning biologist and Rockefeller University President Sir Paul Nurse takes a tour of the exhibition 'Endless Forms', introducing his personal highlights from a...
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Mon 6 Jul 2009
7. Evolving Philosophy: With Professor Philip Kitcher
Can Darwinian ideas of evolution and adaptation really explain why we are how we are? Philosopher of science Professor Philip Kitcher explores the insights - and pitfalls - that...
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Tue 7 Jul 2009
8. Darwin, Hooker and the Venus Flytraps: With Sir Peter Crane
Sir Peter Crane, Former Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens at Kew, talks about the fascinating friendship between Darwin and the botanist Joseph Hooker. (An audio-only podcast...
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Wed 8 Jul 2009
9. Humankind - A Troubling Future? With Lord Robert May
Lord Robert May, Former President of the Royal Society and UK Government Chief Advisor for Science explores the significance of Darwin and his 'unsolved problems' for the issues...
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Thu 9 Jul 2009
'Abraham Lincoln and the Supreme Court': The 2009 Sir David Williams Lecture
On Friday 8th May 2009, John G Roberts Jnr (Chief Justice of the United States) delivered the 2009 Sir David Williams Lecture entitled "Abraham Lincoln and the Supreme Court". Mr...
Collection: Cambridge Law: Public Lectures from the Faculty of Law MOVED
Institution: Faculty of Law
Created: Thu 15 Sep 2011
'Abraham Lincoln and the Supreme Court': The 2009 Sir David Williams Lecture (audio)
On Friday 8th May 2009, John G Roberts Jnr (Chief Justice of the United States) delivered the 2009 Sir David Williams Lecture entitled "Abraham Lincoln and the Supreme Court". Mr...
Collection: The David Williams Lecture: The Centre for Public Law (audio) MOVED
Institution: Faculty of Law
Created: Wed 6 Jun 2012
Darwin 2009 Festival Slideshow
A picture slideshow to commemorate the week long festival.
Collection: Darwin Festival 2009
Institution: Department of Biological Anthropology
Created: Mon 9 Nov 2009
Global Darwin
Darwin College Lecture Series 2009
"Global Darwin"
by Jim Secord (Cambridge)
Collection: Darwin – Darwin College Lecture Series 2009
Institution: Darwin College
Created: Tue 3 Feb 2009
Inaugural lecture of the Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity, Sarah Coakley, on 13 October 2009
Inaugural Lecture given by Sarah Coakley, Norris-Hulse Professor of Divinity, on 13 October 2009 in the Runcie Room of the Faculty of Divinity, entitled "Sacrifice Regained:...
Collection: Inaugural and valedictory lectures
Institution: Faculty of Divinity
Created: Wed 27 Jan 2010
Inside the 2009 Fitzwilliam Museum Sculpture Promenade
Go behind the scenes of the 2009 Fitzwilliam Museum Sculpture Promenade, a new installation of contemporary sculpture in the Museum's grounds.
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Thu 7 May 2009
Installing the 2009 Fitzwilliam Museum Sculpture Promenade: a time-lapse video
See the six-hour installation of the 2009 Fitzwilliam Museum Sculpture Promenade - condensed into a minute.
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum - Sculpture Promenade 2009
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Mon 27 Apr 2009
University of Cambridge 800th Anniversary Light Show
From 17-19 January 2009, Senate House and Old Schools were lit up in a spectacular light show featuring some iconic images from the University's past and present, as well as some...
Collection: Featured content
Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications
Created: Fri 6 Feb 2009
University of Cambridge 800th Anniversary Light Show
From 17-19 January 2009, Senate House and Old Schools were lit up in a spectacular light show featuring some iconic images from the University's past and present, as well as some...
Collection: Featured content
Institution: Office of External Affairs and Communications
Created: Wed 4 Feb 2009
'Who's the Artist?': Open Forum on contemporary sculpture at The Fitzwilliam Museum
When a sculptor employs a studio to produce their work, how does this affect our perception of them as an artist? This Open Forum panel discussion at The Fitzwilliam Museum...
Collection: The Fitzwilliam Museum Podcasts
Institution: Fitzwilliam Museum
Created: Tue 26 Jan 2010