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Doric String Quartet Final - Beethoven: Quartet in B Flat op. 130 with Grosse Fuge
Doric String Quartet perform Beethoven's Quartet in B Flat op. 130 with Grosse Fuge at the West Road Convert Hall, 19 January 2015.
Open rehearsal. Beethoven String Quartet...
Collection: Humanitas
Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Created: Fri 6 Feb 2015
Murray Perahia - Open Rehearsal with Doric String Quartet op. 130, with Grosse Fuge
Open rehearsal. Beethoven String Quartet op.130, with Grosse Fuge. The Doric String Quartet will rehearse and discuss with Murray Perahia one of the works in their concert on 20...
Collection: Humanitas
Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities
Created: Tue 10 Feb 2015