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Media items

Adrian Chatfield: Free and Rooted


Adrian Chatfield introduces the Free and Rooted conference. Speaking from Philipians 2 he presents a radical image of the church as a self-emptying (kenotic) church. That is a...

Collection: Centre for Pioneer Learning

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Sat 5 Mar 2011

Adrian Chatfield: Judgement


Adrian Chatfield speaking at St Mary's Comberton on the subject of judgement.

Taking the theme of judgement from some of the "difficult words" of Jesus which speak of cutting...

Collection: Simeon Centre for Prayer and the Spiritual Life

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Fri 28 Jan 2011

Adrian Chatfield: Treasures of Darkness Pt. 2


Adrian concludes the "Treasures of ..." series speaking on praying in the face of doubt. Covering issues such as our image of God and the need to see faith and doubt as companions...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 24 Feb 2011

Astronomy and the Date of the Crucifixion


Talk given by Prof. Sir Colin Humphreys as part of Short Course 3: Science and Religion for Church Leaders

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 12 Apr 2018

Bishop Graham Cray: The Re-evangelisation of England


Bishop of Maidstone Graham Cray speaking on the re-evangelisation of England at a Ridley Hall College Lecture.

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Mon 14 Mar 2011

Exoplanets, Aliens and God


Public Lecture given by Revd Prof. David Wilkinson

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Thu 21 Feb 2019

“He who has ears to hear”; How do we hear Jesus


Sunday 26 April: Choral Evensong
Speaker: Revd Dr Malcolm Guite
Title: “He who has ears to hear”; How do we hear Jesus
Hymns: 476, 465 Psalm: 49:1-12
Old Testament Reading:...

Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; Parable and Paradox: The startling sayings of Jesus

Institution: Girton College

Created: Tue 28 Apr 2015

Jane Keiller: Treasures of Darkness


In the fourth part of the Treasures series Jane Keiller looks at where we find God in the middle of personal crisis whether that be doubt, suffering, broken relationships or...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Wed 16 Feb 2011

Jesus College Nestbox Great Tit eggs have hatched


Monday 9th May 2011. the Great Tit nestbox at jesus has seen plenty of activity this weekend with so far 7 out of the 8 great tit eggs hatching.

Collection: Pavilion Birdbox Camera Jesus College

Institution: Jesus College

Created: Mon 9 May 2011

Jesus College Pavilion Birdbox Camera captured video from the first week of February 2011


Jesus College Pavilion Birdbox Camera captured video from the first week of February 2011

Collection: Pavilion Birdbox Camera Jesus College

Institution: Jesus College

Created: Tue 8 Feb 2011

Jesus College Pavilion Bordbox 17th Feb 2011


Jesus College Pavilion Bordbox 17th Feb 2011
Footage of the great tit coming into the box at dusk, settling down and then asleep.

Collection: Pavilion Birdbox Camera Jesus College

Institution: Jesus College

Created: Fri 18 Feb 2011

Jesus, Darwin and Ashley Montagu


Research seminar talk given by Prof. Gregory Radick on 11th June 2013

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Tue 25 Jun 2013

Jesus, God and Nature in the Gospels


Talk given by Prof. Richard Bauckham as part of short course 11

Collection: Faraday Institute Lectures

Institution: Faraday Institute

Created: Tue 21 Feb 2012

Jürgen Moltmann: Do you understand what you are reading?


Jürgen Moltmann delivers the 2nd annual Moule Memorial Lecture (2009).

Taking his title from the encounter of Phillip with the Ethiopian Eunuch, Jürgen Moltmann puts this...

Collection: Moule Memorial Lectures

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Tue 1 Feb 2011

Mike Pilavachi: Reaching and Keeping Twenty Somethings


Soul Survivor leader Mike Pilavachi speaks on reaching and keeping 20 somethings in churches. He traces the history of Soul Survivor from its beginning as a cafe church through to...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Wed 16 Mar 2011

Richard Higginson: John 6, The Feeding of the Five Thousand


Ridley Tutor and director of the Faith in Business project Richard Higginson speaks on the feeding of the five thousand as told in John 6. The sermon was delivered during a...

Collection: Resources for Theology and Ministry

Institution: Ridley Hall

Created: Thu 3 Mar 2011