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Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources's image
Created: 2010-12-15 12:36
Institution: Faculty of Education
Description: This collection of clips illustrates how the interactive whiteboard (IWB) can be used to help teachers wanting to teach interactively and encourage dialogue in their classrooms. 'Dialogue' involves students (and the teacher) exploring and generating ideas and questions together, building on and critiquing others’ ideas as well as their own.

The clips come from a series of research studies carried out by Sara Hennessy and colleagues in UK classrooms over the last few years, in particular the "IWBs and Dialogic Teaching" project funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC ref. RES063270081) during 2008-10. Further details of the project are at http://dialogueiwb.educ.cam.ac.uk/. Colleagues Paul Warwick and Neil Mercer collaborated on this project. Some other examples derive from the T-MEDIA project (ESRC ref. RES000230825) carried out in conjunction with Rosemary Deaney during 2005-07.

The work was followed up during 2014 by a short ESRC-funded Impact Acceleration project "Evaluating the impact of the professional development workshop programme on the quality of classroom dialogue using the interactive whiteboard": http://dialogueiwb.educ.cam.ac.uk/evaluate/.

Media items

This collection contains 24 media items.

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Media items

Matched resources: Arranging objects on the interactive whiteboard and on paper


This clip illustrates how low attaining students aged 14-15 demonstrated and developed their understanding of photosynthesis through manipulating the components of its equation on...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Sharing and comparing ideas using the interactive whiteboard in a whole class setting


This example illustrates how learners can compare and contrast different perspectives by sharing them publicly in class using the interactive whiteboard (IWB). Low attaining...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Annotating a portrait of the young Queen Elizabeth I on the interactive whiteboard


This clip depicts classroom dialogue in a secondary school history lesson where students in turn annotated a portrait of the young Queen Elizabeth projected onto the interactive...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Brainstorming ideas as a class using the interactive whiteboard in history


This clip depicts a class brainstorming ideas about the causes of war during a secondary school history lesson.

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Exploring trench warfare using multimedia resources on the interactive whiteboard


This compilation of clips from two secondary history lessons illustrates how a class explored the experience of trench warfare through interacting with a wide range of multimedia...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Drawing objects on the interactive whiteboard together: collectively constructing knowledge


In this clip from a history lesson students are building on each other’s ideas as they create a joint picture of a trench – this is a nonverbal kind of 'dialogue.'

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Dialogue after interactive whiteboard use in a secondary history class


This 5.5 min. clip illustrates the rich dialogue that ensued when the teacher posed the question ‘Is it possible for us to imagine the experience of trench warfare?’ after using a...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Mon 17 Jun 2013

Revisiting a brainstorm from another class on the interactive whiteboard


Other classes’ creations can be revisited as a memory aid, either as a stimulus to provoke thinking and make explicit learners’ own views in response, or to explore differences...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Wed 12 Jun 2013

Choosing, annotating and discussing images related to personal safety on the interactive whiteboard


This clip illustrates how groups of primary school children used the interactive whiteboard (IWB) to revisit and annotate a collection of images pertaining to personal safety...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Using the interactive whiteboard for group recording and explanation about personal safety issues


This clip illustrates how a group of primary school children used the interactive whiteboard to display and talk through their annotations of a collection of images pertaining to...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Using open-ended prompts on the interactive whiteboard and children’s recorded voices to stimulate discussion


This clip and the following ones come from a series of primary school Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education lessons on “staying safe.” In this clip teacher Diane uses...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Using a teacher voiceover, highlighting and annotating text on the interactive whiteboard: Clip 1


In this first clip a primary school teacher plays an audio file of herself reading out a pre-recorded personal safety scenario to stimulate discussion.

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Using a teacher voiceover, highlighting and annotating a (personal safety) text on the interactive whiteboard: Clip 2


Following Clip 1, this second clip shows a primary pupil annotating a text with her peers’ ideas about the characters’ feelings.

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Using a teacher voiceover, highlighting and annotating text on the interactive whiteboard: Overall sequence


This longer sequence includes the preceding Clips 1 and 2 and some extra footage. A primary school teacher played a pre-recorded audio file of herself reading out a personal...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Working using class talk rules: supporting dialogue


This short clip shows primary school teacher Diane using the interactive whiteboard to present a personal safety scenario for group discussion, and one group using ‘talk rules’ to...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Negotiating classroom rules and procedures using the interactive whiteboard; creating a climate for dialogue


This short clip shows primary school teacher Diane introducing to her class some ‘talk rules’ to support classroom dialogue in future activities.

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Using text and pictures on the interactive whiteboard to stimulate interest and initial dialogue in English


This clip and the following ones come from a series of middle school lessons focusing on elements of the crime-writing genre in preparation for children writing their own crime...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Matching terms and definitions pertaining to crime writing on the interactive whiteboard


This clip illustrates a matching activity where explanations are dragged to link with appropriate vocabulary terms in a middle school English lesson.

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Focusing on crime scene evidence using the interactive whiteboard – identifying key elements


In this clip a middle school English teacher uses an evocative crime scene picture to assess students’ understanding of the investigation; students circle features of the scene...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013

Group interaction at the interactive whiteboard - Food Chains


This excerpt shows three children from a Year 5 class (ages 9-10) engaged in dialogue about which animals and plants can be placed together in a food chain. Unusually, they are...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 18 Jan 2013

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