Wolfson College Lunchtime Seminars 2012-13
Created: | 2013-01-23 16:46 |
Institution: | Wolfson College |
Description: | An informal lunchtime seminar series is held in Wolfson College most Wednesdays of full term. The series is designed to enable and encourage junior members of Wolfson College to speak in an informal setting about their past and/or current research. College visitors and other college members are also encouraged to participate and give talks. Participants can bring in their trays and have lunch during the talks, and we encourage friendly debate over complimentary coffee and biscuits. Seminar topics are invited across all academic disciplines. College members who are interested in presenting and or in helping the lunchtime team with the organisation, planning and chairing of sessions can email the current organisers at wolfson-lts@lists.cam.ac.uk |
Media items
This collection contains 1 media item.
Media items
In the beginning (almost) was University College: Cambridge's new graduate colleges in the 1960s
Dr Gordon Johnson, former President of Wolfson College, sketches the background to the establishment in the 1960s of new Cambridge colleges, with a focus on Wolfson.
Collection: Wolfson College Lunchtime Seminars 2012-13
Institution: Wolfson College
Created: Wed 23 Jan 2013