02. Fagi Pangsho Den mi nang na

Duration: 3 mins 15 secs
Image inherited from collection
Description: Voice: Lhamo of Lubcha village
Far away from here there is a flower blooming/ But I may not go and pluck this flower/ Whoever can pluck this flower please give it to the one I love/ Or offer it to the gods/ My dear love please do not go far away/ But if you must go then be faithful to me.
Created: 2016-02-04 23:41
Collection: Songs and Traditions from Laya
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Roy Cameron
Language: dzo (Dzongkha)
Keywords: Bhutan; Song; Oral Tradition;
Producer:  Roy Cameron
Editor:  Neten Dorji
Format Quality Bitrate Size
MP3 44100 Hz 250.21 kbits/sec 5.96 MB Listen Download
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