Grants journals

Duration: 6 mins 38 secs
Description: (No description)
Created: 2021-01-18 14:30
Collection: Grants
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Finance Training
Language: eng (English)
OK, let's see how we enter a Grants Journal, so I'm just

going to share my screen and go back into CUFS.

So this is your navigator screen
and we need to go into

Expenditures and Enter Actuals.

And this takes you to this Expenditure batch [screen]. So for this

I'm actually going to go through practice  1, Grants

Journals - adding expenses to a grant.

Your accounts office has asked you to credit the Department chest

nonpay source of funds for the
cost of two boxes of test tubes

for Dr Pink.

The cost must be expensed to the
correct research project.

You need to credit the GL chest non payroll account and debit

the grant account. OK so you've got a naming convention for your

batch. So use your Department code - so it's PD for myself, your

initials, dates that you're actually entering the Journal,


the Journal number. So for me, this is my second

Journal for today.

End date - I click on the three

dots. And click OK.

And it will default to Sunday's

date. The classes, you don't change - it's always Miscellaneous

Transactions. The description you can change - so it's more relevant. So

for me it's going to be two


of test tubes.

And then click [the] Expenditures button.

You click on Organization - the organization is your Department

code again, so it PD [for me]

And then you click down to the
expenditure items itself. So at

the moment to be on #8 [of Practice 1], enter Journal lines. So for me I'm

going to change that date to the
31st of August 20.

The project that is going to.

Task number tab for the RG
number you can just type R

and tab. It would come up with your RG number. Expenditure 

type - just type in OT and[press] TAB. It would come up with

the expenditure types [for Other Costs].

So it's going to be consumables, as it says on your practice.

Click OK, and the amount is 50

pounds. I tab and then just type in the comments. Test

tubes for Dr Pink.

And you TAB.

It says enter the descriptive
flexfields information so the

cost centre will always be your department and then it's going to be

AA for myself.

Source of funds is your chest non payroll

If you TAB too much, it goes straight into

the transaction. There you go! And then the transaction

code refers to the tubes.

And if you type in the wrong
transaction case, it will tell

you have, and you just re type it.

Like so - click OK, 

So you've got all the codes there and it gives you a description of what the

source of funds transaction

[and other] codes mean. You can ignore the Award number

because it relates to ROO

So click OK.

and [use] arrow up to get rid of that spare line.

You save,

you click on the X,

And you submit,

And release.

Just like that.

If you want to have a look,

at the journals that you've entered to make sure that they're been

submitted and released,

You've got a torch - 

Click on the torch,

And if you know the beginning of your 

batch - that's PD for me,

And the dates -

- and twenty and use the wild card, the percentage sign, and then click find.

You'll come up with the journals you've done in the day,

And you can actually go
in and make sure it's

been released or not.

But if you just looking for

Ones that have not been released,

You can click on "Unreleased" and

it comes out blank because I've got nothing there to

be Submitted and Released. OK? So that's practice one.

So if you could do practice 2,

which relates to crediting to the Grant.

So it's 1kg of dry ice which is charged to your grant in error - Dr Lemon

never ordered it. You have discovered that this was

actually used by the department's

lab. You need to credit your grant to the cost of £20 and

debit the department's chest non

payroll account. OK, so just go

through the steps. And
see how far you get.

And after you've done your
practice 2, if you could do

the virtual forms form quiz
four and five.

And that will complete your

journals. Thank you.

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