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Media items

Audio of the Carlos Fuentes Event


Collection: Carlos Fuentes Event

Institution: Emmanuel College

Created: Wed 19 Nov 2008

Collaboration in Cambridge; the audio-visual aids unit


An interview with Alan Macfarlane in August 2006, questions by Kenong Guan, filmed by Xiaoxiao Yan

Collection: Reflections on Cambridge

Institution: Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

Created: Mon 5 Aug 2013

Generation of undergraduate teaching materials


This movie demonstrates how audio-visual teaching materials were developed for undergraduate teaching and assess their impact on a Fluid Mechanics lecture course.

Collection: Matthew Juniper undergraduate teaching

Institution: Department of Engineering

Created: Wed 9 Jan 2013

Using open-ended prompts on the interactive whiteboard and children’s recorded voices to stimulate discussion


This clip and the following ones come from a series of primary school Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education lessons on “staying safe.” In this clip teacher Diane uses...

Collection: Supporting classroom dialogue using interactive whiteboard technology: professional development resources

Institution: Faculty of Education

Created: Fri 26 Jul 2013